Monday, July 27, 2020

Career Corner Tips for choosing a more fulfilling career path - Hallie Crawford

Career Corner â€" Tips for choosing a more fulfilling career path - Hallie Crawford This is an article from my June 2006 e-newsletter/ezine. Feel free to check out our full Creating Your Own Path newsletter. Don’t wait I recently read a quote by inspirational speaker Tony Robbins: Most of us do not change until we experience deep pain.” Sound familiar? It’s like going to the dentist few people like to go so they wait until they’re in pain before they take action. Don’t wait until you’re in pain to make the changes you need or want to make in your career or your life. If you are unsatisfied with something at work, do something about it: proactively look for opportunities to make desired changes to your responsibilities or work environment, or make a plan to change jobs or career paths if you need to. Don’t wait until you are so frustrated that you end up taking a drastic action out of desperation. Take charge of your destiny with concrete steps to change what you don’t like and create what you want. Start today! Want to use any of these articles in your newsletter or website? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it. Thanks! Hallie Crawford, certified Career Coach is changing the way people feel about work-from just a paycheck to a fulfilling endeavor that is an extension of their purpose and passion. If you want to have a career you love, learn more about Hallie at Please Share This Career Corner â€" Tips for choosing a more fulfilling career path - Hallie Crawford Choosing a career path that’s right for you is a process. Here’s a tip that can help you get started. The secret to finding the right job is this: take the first step In a previous post, I talked about how to identify your passion. Once youve started to do that heres the next thing to do: take a step in the right direction. Sounds simple, and it can be. This is something I always encourage my clients to do. (Interestingly enough, I read about this same idea in a recent article from the Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential (MAPP) e-zine I receive.) Here’s the gist: Many of us want to find the perfect job and we want to know every single step we need to take, in sequence, to land it. Often, we won’t even take the first step until we have the full path mapped out. Somehow it feels safer that way, right? Sound familiar? I think it’s human nature, and unfortunately it usually doesn’t work that neatly. So when my clients want to know all of the steps before getting started, I suggest that we first start putting the puzzle together piece by piece. Once an idea begins to form, we can start moving in that direction. For you, I suggest following your gut instinct, take a step in a direction that feels right, and allow yourself the freedom to explore options as you move forward. You’ll figure it out, I promise. The MAPP article states that you take a step in a direction and things become clearer, then you take another step and things become even clearer, and so on until you find your dream job. It is a process, a journey. For some it’s short, for others it may take a little longer. It just depends on your starting point and your willingness to keep stepping. So, I encourage you to start now: what one step can you take today that will move you forward towards your perfect job? Contact me if you need help. I’m here to help you find that perfect job, determine what steps to take, and help you make it happen. Have a great day, Hallie Please Share This Career Corner â€" Tips for choosing a more fulfilling career path - Hallie Crawford Choosing a career path that’s right for you is a process that takes time. Here’s a tip that can help you get started. Find a Mentor Having a mentor to help you navigate your new career path can provide enormous benefits. You can get valuable advice and insight from a seasoned professional, a “sounding board” for your career goals and ideas, and inspiration for pursuing your dream. In our ever-evolving work environment where people telecommute and aren’t in the office as much, developing an ongoing relationship with a mentor can be challenging, but you can make it happen. Once you have identified a potential mentor, perhaps someone in your desired field whose career path and accomplishments you admire and respect, find an opportunity to introduce yourself. Express your interest in learning more about what they do and how they’ve achieved their success. Remember, everyone is busy and time is valuable. Be flexible regarding how, and how often, you will meet consider meeting by telephone, if this is more convenient, or inviting them to lunch. Come prepared with questions and ideas. Listen and learn as much as you can, and return the favor by expressing your appreciation, respecting their time, and offering to help them with their goals and plans. Mentoring can be a rewarding experience for both you and your mentor. Make the most of it! If you’d like more support on finding a fulfilling career path, feel free to contact me at I can help you design a career that is aligned with your purpose and passion, and guide and support you as you transform your life. Please Share This Career Corner â€" Tips for choosing a more fulfilling career path - Hallie Crawford Choosing a career path that’s right for you is a process. Here’s a tip that can help you get started. In my October 2006 e-newsletter I talked about taking action and just getting started towards finding that ideal career path. (Feel free to read that article here: “The secret to finding the right job is this: take the first step”) If youre wondering what types of steps you might take to get started on a path to a different career, here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing… Depending on your personal goals and dreams, there are many possibilities. Learn more about what you might want to do: Visit the library, bookstore or for books and resources. Find someone who does what you think you might want to do and ask them to tell you about it: the preparation they needed to get a foot in the door, how they spend their days, and how they have achieved success. People are often generous with their time when asked to share their experience. Research and sign up for local classes to learn more. Dive in: Look for volunteer opportunities that will give you some experience in an area of interest. There’s no better way to find out what it’s really like. If you’re currently working, consider taking a sabbatical or hiatus from work to try something new. Talk to your supervisor about taking a short leave of absence. You’ll never know if they’ll say yes if you don’t ask! If approved, use the time to try out a possible new profession. A company called Vocation Vacations offers cool ways to test drive dream jobs. To read more about this idea in a previous blog entry click here. Remember it’s more important to just get started than to develop the perfectly-planned course of action. If you wait for things to be perfect you could be waiting a very long time! This excerpt from a Body and Soul magazine illustrates this point: “Most people labor over their journal entries trying to find where they’ll be the most successful. This is a complete waste of time. Perfection doesn’t exist when it comes to passion. Just choose one thing that gets your juices flowing and act on it, whether you think you’ll be good at it or not. The idea is to get started so you can see where this next phase leads you. Go for it, get started today! A great place to start is by listening to my “Love Your Job! Finding a Career that FITS” teleclass audio recording for only $12.99. Click here for more info. I hope this is helpful, Hallie Please Share This

Monday, July 20, 2020

How Job Hopping Affects Your Resume

How Job Hopping Affects Your Resume How Job Hopping Affects Your Resume In spite of the fact that the condition of the activity showcase has made occupation jumping progressively worthy, there is as yet a specific measure of shame appended to it. How employment bouncing influences your resume, however, is genuinely reliant upon the recruiting organization. While staying with an occupation long haul, as long as you are developing expertly, is scarcely disapproved of, work bouncing is a totally unique story. In a perfect world, staying with a vocation for around one to two years would show increasingly proficient security and less hazard to those checking on resumes. While there are negative implications that join work bouncing, there are a couple of points of interest that can help make your resume more grounded. The Downside of Job Hopping A resume that displays the attributes of occupation jumping can, to HR experts, show an absence of steadiness or duty. Since recruiting and preparing is a genuine venture for the organization, it is to their greatest advantage to discover applicants that are eager to remain and give an arrival on their time and cash. While a resume that has a few transient employments or tasks isn't really going to mean dismissal, it can make recruiting administrators look somewhat nearer at the up-and-comer. Moreover, with regards to talk with time, there will most likely be questions encompassing your work history. A Positive Spin on Job Hopping Employment bouncing can be similarly advantageous whenever used to continue creating and developing expertly. With a bigger and increasingly differing work history, in spite of momentary activities, there comes more understanding and an expansion in fluctuated aptitudes for steady employment searchers. For those with different momentary activities or outsourcing take a shot at a resume, if the experience and aptitudes are comparative, they can be consolidated under one employment title. This is an alternative to give more space on your resume, just as gather comparative work to dispense with a negative impression. Quest for new employment Tips for Job Hoppers With independent and undertaking based work accessible like never before previously, work jumping isn't really going to keep on being criticized the manner in which it has previously. While HR experts may take a gander at your resume somewhat nearer and pose inquiries about your work history, work jumping or task based work won't get you a quick dismissal. Make your resume such that compliments your work understanding and abilities. Also, set yourself up for the inquiries you may look in a meeting about your work history. In the event that you are arranged and qualified, you can save yourself in the running for any activity you apply for. Perusers, what are your contemplations on work jumping? Do you have any tips for the individuals who do like to change employments often? Offer your tips with us underneath!

Monday, July 13, 2020

What Makes an Home Office Truly Contemporary

What Makes a Home Office Truly Contemporary Photograph Credit â€" Pexels.comNowadays, home workplaces are a work environment as well as an augmentation of your character and normally liked style â€" simply like the remainder of your home. It doesn't make a difference whether you place it in a different room or utilize the space under your steps, your home office ought to be set up as per your taste and style.Contemporary home stylistic theme implies complex furnishings, basic structures, and usefulness most importantly so here's the manner by which to set it up appropriately in your own home.1. Illuminate it naturallyThis may rely upon of the position your home office has in your home yet you should realize that lighting is significant. In addition to the fact that it boosts efficiency and assist you with remaining conscious, but at the same time it's an inalienable piece of the contemporary inside design.evalReconsider situating your work areas almost a window to accomplish that vaporous, contemporary look and ventilate frequ ently so the natural air can explain your mind.Of course, a lot of light can be unpleasant to your eyes and, in this manner, contra beneficial, so shades or blinds are a need. In the event that you work around evening time, at that point great counterfeit lighting ought to be your priority.The winning blend is a decent mix of overhead and centered lighting, specialists from the field claim.2. Include refined touchesAs we previously referenced, your home office ought to be an expansion of your taste so utilize your creative side to improve it appropriately. Make a point of convergence over your work area or, even better, on the contrary divider by including a bit of craftsmanship, inspirational banners, designs, or whatever you like.Don't spread the dividers of your home office just with clingy notes, schedules, and updates â€" you'll require something to lay your eyes on every now and then. It unquestionably is superior to taking a break by viewing a TV or perusing the internet.Besi des, an examination demonstrated that encountering craftsmanship diminishes the feeling of anxiety and assists with rest and memory issues â€" what progressively a drained home specialist can wish for?3. Embellish boldlyDecorating your home office with customary furniture in, suppose, dull wood shades is extraordinary, however the contemporary inside plan is tied in with reevaluating striking shapes and complement hues. This is particularly significant if your home office space is fairly little â€" light, clear hues will make it look greater while geometrically molded furniture will give new, perfect, and clean ambiance.evalIt's everything about sharp lines and differentiation hues yet in addition â€" comfort. When getting the furnishings, remember that you are going to burn through at least eight hours utilizing it each day.Ergonomically structured seat ought to be on your shopping list, as it will give you valuable back help, advance great stance and set aside you some cash on fut ure clinical bills.4. Think minimalA moderate methodology in inside plan originated from Scandinavia. It's portrayed by straightforwardness and usefulness so it's no big surprise why it turned out to be in a split second famous everywhere throughout the world, particularly with regards to home office plan. Then again, mess can occupy you and contrarily influence your capacity to center and procedure information.That's the reason keeping just basic things in your home office is a decent decision â€" it'll be simpler to clean, nothing will drag away your consideration, and, what's likewise significant â€" it will look wonderfully in vogue. Try not to let writing material nor records heap up around your work area and around the room â€" ensure you have an extra room on your home office furniture shopping list.5. Remember about securityevalAlong with all the opportunity and adaptability of the cutting edge home office comes the danger of security gives that may happen outside the ensure d network.Even if your business has virtual private system (VPN) get to that forestalls hacks, your PC despite everything needs a confided in hostile to infection answer for business use. What's more, forbidding relatives the entrance to your work unit will additionally expand information security.And while virtual security is colossally significant, guaranteeing the physical security of your home office is similarly significant, as there is regularly costly gear or physical records containing touchy data in it.Based on the requirements of your office, a suitable home security framework and the administrations of your neighborhood 24-hour locksmith will forestall undesirable physical intrusions.With the improvement of new advancements and working fields, telecommuting turned into a kind of necessity.People no longer go through their home workplaces for wrapping things left incomplete during work hours however invest their full energy working from their homes. That is the reason sett ing up a stylish yet practical home office is an unquestionable requirement. Make it contemporary and you'll without a doubt finish any errand easily.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Monday Tip Appreciate your co-workers - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Monday Tip Appreciate your collaborators - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog This weeks Monday Tip is tied in with valuing the individuals around you at work. Who do you like? For what reason do you like them? Make a rundown of your nearest collaborators. Not really the ones you like the best, however the ones you have the most dealings with. At that point, for every individual on your rundown, record in any event five things you acknowledge about that individual. Things theyre great at, ways they make your life simpler, their own or expert abilities and characteristics as long as its something positive. That is it. You dont need to demonstrate your rundown to anybody, simply pause for a minute to make it. Presently, when you make that rundown, there might be an individual on it that truly pesters you. Each work environment Ive ever been in, theres consistently been at in case one individual who truly sounded me off. The stunt here is to likewise discover five things you acknowledge about that individual as well. As the expression goes, theres some great in everybody and on the off chance that you cannot see it, this is on the grounds that you dont need to see it. And afterward I typically get the counter-contention: What about Hitler? (Or on the other hand Stalin, Saddam Hussein or Osama canister Laden). Is there something acceptable in them as well? Also, I state lets avoid that whole conversation on the off chance that you work with one of those folks, you may keep them separate from the activity :o) Coincidentally: Do you have any thoughts for future Monday Tips? How would you make yourself as well as other people more joyful for the sake of entertainment, straightforward, simple ways? Compose a remark in the event that you have a recommendation. The Chief Happiness Officers Monday tips are basic, simple, fun things you can do to fulfill yourself as well as other people at work and get the work-week looking incredible so far. Something everybody can do in a short time, tops. At the point when you attempt it, compose a remark here to disclose to me how it went. Past monday tips. A debt of gratitude is in order for visiting my blog. In case you're new here, you should look at this rundown of my 10 most mainstream articles. What's more, in the event that you need increasingly incredible tips and thoughts you should look at our pamphlet about bliss at work. It's extraordinary and it's free :- )Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related